Date: 08 July 2023

Speakers Info
Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Nawab
Shaykh Saleem Nawab graduated from Falahe Darayn and his teachers amongst others, include:
Mufakkir Millat Mawlana Abdullah Kapodra
Shaykhul Hadith wa Tafsir Hadrat Mawlana Abrar Dhulyawi
Shaykhul Hadith Mawlana Ayyub Surti
Shaykhul Hadith Mawlana Zulfiqar Ahmad Narwari
Qari Muqri Siddique Falahi
Shaykh Saleem Nawab is the khalifah of Hadrat Mawlana Qamruz Zaman Ilahbadi and Hadrat Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (may Allah Almighty preserve them both).
Shaykh Saleem Nawab has been teaching for over 27 years. He currently is Shaykhul Hadith and associate principal in Madani Girls’ School and College (Whitechapel) and Shaykhul Hadith of Quwwatul Islam (Forest Gate). He previously served as a senior teacher of Hadith and Tafsir at Darul Uloom London for almost two decades.
Shaykh Yusuf Kothi
Moulana Yusuf Kothi, a highly respected scholar in the UK, has played a pivotal role in educating numerous scholars. Throughout his esteemed career, he has had the privilege of instructing multiple generations of Ulama and holds the esteemed titles of Ustadh ul Astaatidhah and Ustadhul kul.
Presently, Shaykh ul Hadeeth at Jamia Sirajul Uloom, Moulana Yusuf Kothi has dedicated many years to teaching Jami Tirmidhi at Darul Uloom London, where he also serves as the current Principal. Additionally, he holds a prominent position as a key patron at Tahawi, and his profound wisdom and guidance are sought after for important decisions and matters.
Mufti Abdur Rahman Monuhorpuri
Mufti Abdur Rahman studied Islamic theology and other Islamic sciences and graduated from the very well known institution in Sylhet, Jamiah Tawaqqulia Renga Madrasah and achieved distinction in all higher level of Islamic sciences and theology including Dawra Hadith.
Shaykh then studied Hadith and Ifta at the world famous institution in Bangladesh, Hathazari Madrasah Chittagong where he achieved Awwal Darajah (first class) in Takhassus fil Fiqh
Shaykh has also served as Shaikhul Hadith in several madaris in Bangladesh such as: Jamia Madania Kazir bazar Jamia Islamia Dewlgram.
In the UK from he taught in Madinatul Uloom UK Plaistow as Shaikhul Hadith. He is the current Shaykhul Hadith in Darul Uloom Ford Square (known as London Islamic school) as well as Al Rawda Educational Institution and now we have the honour of Shaykh taking the mantle of Shaykhul Hadith at Tahawi Institute.
Mufti Abdul Muntaqim
Mufti Abdul Muntaqim is a senior student of Mufti Taqi Uthmani and Mufti Rafi Uthmani. He is the founder and principal of Jamiatul Khair Al Islamia, Sylhet and serves as the assistant principal of Munshi Bazar Trust.
Currently Mufti Abdul Muntaqim is involved in dawah activity and delivers Islamic talks on various Islamic channels as well as weekly Q&A sessions from the local and national community. Mufti saab is also one of the most senior Bengali Ulama in the UK known for his mesmerising and engaging talks.
Mufti Muhammad Saifur Rahman
Mufti Saifur Rahman Nawhami is a traditionally trained scholar in the classical Islamic disciplines with formal certification as an Alim and authority to issue fatawa. He also holds a degree in Psychology and a background in historiography. He has been teaching for over 20 years and is currently the senior lecturer in an Islamic seminary as well as the principal of an independent school. His area of expertise is Hanafi fiqh, hadith and usul.